Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Box Blogging: Addendum

(See the original Final Thoughts.)

There were a couple of actual final steps to undertake. First was getting all the old data from my previous computer -- second was actually putting the case sheathing on.

My plan all along was just to move the hard drive from the previous computer (I have too many computers to say "old") to the new one as a secondary drive, then move data (or not) at my convenience. Since the previous machine had been bought with the expectation of using it as a server when I was done, I had actually installed XP on the smaller, secondary drive on that system, an 80GB IDE.

I'd put everything in place to run, but now I needed to pull a lot of stuff out, due to the tight fit of the larger components.

From New Computer
I also had to move the boot drive down two slots. I had kept the two "close" plugs on the IDE cable down by the board, and so the top HD slot was the closest (as you can see here):
From New Computer
I also wanted to keep a space between the drives for heat reasons.
From New Computer
(Both machines open and adjacent.)

Getting that second IDE plug to attach was tricky, involving careful folding of the cable. I actually went ahead and unplugged it from the DVD-R first, which helped. It just barely worked, which was a huge relief.

From New Computer
Here I've plugged everything back in. Actually, I hadn't noticed, but the power/reset block had come loose during all of this, and the video and sound cards had to come back out for that to be replaced. I got a bunch of trash bag twist ties (remarkably few came with the various computer components I had bought), and used those to create some kind of order for all the cables, particularly the cables coming out of the power supply, which had a tendency to wander over and obstruct the CPU fan.
From New Computer

The next issue presented itself when I started putting the case exterior back on -- the DVD-R was too deeply recessed. Observe the two angled "clips" (for lack of a better word) between the drive front and the case front.

From New Computer
I couldn't push the drive past these from behind, so unplugged the drive, and pushed it in from the front with the case front on.
From New Computer

The final product is pretty nondescript (blogger spell-check says that's one word, not hyphenated...) but satisfying. And "Armed with Honor"!

From New Computer
But I have to end with the kick-ass mouse I bought. It's got some ungodly resolution for sampling movement, or some such thing, but I bought it because it comes with a little case full of weights that you can use to "balance" the mouse for optimal feel.
From New Computer

A'ight. That's it. That's all I've got.

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