Friday, February 02, 2007

Box Blogging: Introduction

So, I'm putting together a new computer. It's a Wintel box built for the sole purpose of gaming (although I also intend to do some major mp3 ripping as well). I'll document the construction (which has so far gone very well) with pictures. The chapters will be:
  1. Introduction (this page)
  2. The Parts
  3. Construction
  4. Final Thoughts
  5. BONUS! Now with an Addendum
My tool list is pretty short:
From New Computer
How did I pick the parts? I started with the Ars Technica System Guide (December 2006, Hot Rod Build). I diverged from it in many cases, but pretty much only for modest upgrades (For instance a Core2 Duo E6600 instead of the E6400). I also went ahead and Newegged everything, so if it didn't come up with a Newegg link in the Ars Product Finder, I searched for something close on Newegg.

On to the next page: The Parts.

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